
Blues Dance Teacher Training

Why Attend Bluesology?


Dance teaching is an art, and like any artist, you must constantly refine your craft. This training is your opportunity to elevate your pedagogical skills, ensuring that you are delivering the most enriching and impactful dance classes to your students.


The world of dance is always evolving, and so should your teaching. Bluesology is not just another training—it's a transformative experience that will push you to think creatively, expand your repertoire, and become the teacher your students deserve.

What will I learn?

Being a dance teacher requires two very specific skills: the skill of dancing, and the skill of teaching.  A great dancer does not necessarily make a great teacher, and vice versa! ​Bluesology will focus on your teaching skills. The sessions will combine theoretical knowledge of pedagogy / andragogy – the method and practice of teaching – with practical tasks, so you can put theory into practice.

This event aims to create a community and support network for teachers and community leaders across Europe. Building a dance scene can be tough, but you’re not alone…

Topics will include...

  • Honouring the values of the dance in our teaching

  • Identifying & managing the needs of our students

  • Designing and planning classes and courses

  • Analysing & breaking down movement

  • Communication & presentation skills

  • Group management & use of space

  • How to assess & give feedback to students

  • Selecting & organising music

  • Teaching practice with 1-to-1 feedback

  • Small groups

    We will accept a maximum of 36 participants.

    Some sessions will be taught as one group, while for most sessions you will be divided into two groups of 16. Expect a mix of practical dance classes, presentations, talks, and lots of small group work, partner work, discussion groups and peer learning.

    Not just classes...

    In addition to the daytime ‘classes’ there will be evening talks, movies (blues related of course!) and access to our blues library.

    ​There will also be organised dinners, parties, beach time and social time, which we encourage you to use as an opportunity to network as well as dance and relax!


    Fri 30 May ~ Fri 6 June 2025

    Preliminary Schedule
    • Friday 30th: Classes start at 18:00 followed by a welcome party
    • Saturday 31st: Classes 10:00-17:00 // Evening activity
    • Sunday 1st: Classes 10:00-17:00 // Evening activity
    • Monday 2nd: Classes 10:00-17:00 // Evening activity
    • Tuesday 3rd: DAY OFF
    • Wednesday 4th: Classes 10:00-17:00 // Evening activity
    • Thursday 5th: Classes 10:00-17:00 // Evening activity
    • Friday 6th: Classes 10:00-17:00 // Farewell party


    Class Venue

    Estudio 21Carrer de Sueca, 72, L’Eixample, 46006 València

    Eventing Activities

    Evening activities will take place in various locations across the city including live music venues and the beach! You will be sent details about the exact locations closer to the event.

    Meet the Team

    Don’t miss out on the chance to supercharge your teaching abilities at Bluesology. With expert-led sessions and a community of passionate dance educators, you’ll gain the knowledge, skills, and inspiration to take your classes from good to extraordinary.


    Ticket price €450 per person

    To be paid in full or in four installments.

    This includes...
    • 6.5 days of classes including approximately 27 hours of taught sessions, plus facilitated class preparation
    • Teaching practice and personal feedback
    • Evening activities
    • Tea, coffee and snacks throughout the classes
    The cost does not include...
    • Accommodation
    • Travel expenses
    • Meals

    Due to the specialist nature of the event all fees are non-refundable (unless the event is cancelled).

    How to apply

    Registrations are by application process. Successful applicants will not necessarily be the most experienced dancers; we will be looking for a group of students who have similar needs / wants and who will benefit from working together over the weekend.

    Please complete the application form as fully and honestly as possible – the more we know about you the more we can tailor make the workshop for you!

    You do not need to register with a partner.


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